Must Haves Before Lessons

Required Materials

Everyone Should Have

  1. A towel
  2. Shoes that they can take off and put on themselves
  3. Goggles (see information below)
  4. If you want your child to wear sunblock, please only put it on their face (anywhere else will make it hard for us to hold them in the water)
  5. If your child has long hair, please put it in a pony-tail, so they can see clearly when swimming

Kid Goggle Requirements

  • You can purchase Speedos Kids Glide goggles from Target, Amazon, Graham Sporting Goods, or Mega Sports
  • Make sure the goggles have a bungee cord that allows us to adjust the fit
  • If your child is 8 years old or above, purchase the Junior Glide goggles

  • You can purchase Speedos Kids Glide Print goggles from Target, Amazon, Graham Sporting Goods, or Mega Sports
  • Make sure the goggles have a bungee cord that allows us to adjust the fit
  • These goggles are great for 4, 5, & 6 years olds
  • If your child is 8 years old or above, purchase the Junior Glide Print goggles